I’ve gone through several themes with this blog and the one you see now is the latest change. I’ve never been a fan of the name. The number one complaint I’ve had is that it’s too long.  I’ve run through several options myself but nothing has really stuck. So I’m throwing it out to my readers. For the next few weeks I’m asking for your suggestions for what you think would be a good name for this blog. I’ll be on vacation from the 11th through the 19th but I’ll have someone moderate the comments so you can see what’s coming in. When I get back we’ll run the top suggestions by my coworkers and management to decide on a winner. I’m working on a prize for the winner. I should have details for you within the next couple of days. If you’re a regular reader you will have a better idea of the kind of posts we do. It would be nice if we can keep “Baker” in the title. Otherwise everything else is free to go. Let’s have fun with it. I look forward to your suggestions.